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Speedy Tortilla Wraps

Lunch, Snacks, Low Phosphorus, Low Potassium, Low Protein, Low Sodium


Based on 6 servings per recipe.

  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 3 7"flour or corn tortillas
  • 1 cup lettuce
  • 4 ounces left over chicken, beef or fish
  • 1 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise or low sodium ranch


  1. Spread cream cheese on tortilla.
  2. Lay on lettuce leaves, meat, and pepper slices.
  3. Spread with mayonnaise or low sodium ranch dressing.
  4. Roll up each tortilla like a jelly roll.
  5. Cut in half and wrap in plastic wrap to hold together.
  6. Keep chilled in cooler for 6-8 hours.

About This Recipe

Whip up these wraps for a fresh, high protein snack or lunch.

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