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Bran Breakfast Bars

Breakfast, Snacks, Vegetarian, Low Phosphorus, Low Potassium, High Protein, Low Sodium


Based on 12 servings per recipe.

  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1/3 cup chopped raisins or med. dates, diced
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/3 cup oil (corn, soybean, or safflower)
  • 1 1/2 cups raw bran
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar


  1. Pour boiling water over diced fruit.
  2. Allow to stand at least 20 minutes.
  3. Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  4. Drain fruit, adding boiling water to the drained liquid to make 1 cup and put in blender with oil.
  5. Blend 1 minute.
  6. Immediately pour into dry ingredients and mix well.
  7. Add fruit and remix.
  8. Place batter in non-stick 8″x10″ baking dish.
  9. Level with fingers or spatula and then mark cuttings: 4 rows the narrow way and 6 rows the long way.
  10. Bake in a preheated oven at 375F for 22 minutes.
  11. Cool on rack.
  12. Refrigerate or freeze if keeping more than 2 days.

About This Recipe

Bran breakfast bars are a sweet way to add fiber to your breakfast or snack time.

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