Your Gift’s Impact

Your support helps us lead the fight against kidney disease with pioneering science, community outreach and unsurpassed patient care.

Working together to make a difference

We couldn’t do what we do without the generosity of the Northwest Kidney Centers community. By donating, volunteering and helping raise awareness, you make a difference to thousands of people every single day.

When you make a gift, you can choose which of our services you would like your donation to go toward.

Read below to learn more about the different programs you can choose to support.

Pam Ayer, donor and kidney transplant recipient.

Patient care

Donor support makes it possible for us to provide additional patient care services, like special care for very ill patients who need to dialyze in beds with extra nursing care, or generators to keep our facilities running in an emergency. Your gifts also help us facilitate transplants, offer palliative care and provide patients access to a chaplain.

We give each patient a customized nutrition workbook created at Northwest Kidney Centers and printed thanks to donor support. And when a patient’s funding sources are exhausted, our charity care fund fills the gap.

Dialysis patient Aris Olivarez.


Education is a key part of our mission. Because of this, our patients’ survival, hospitalization, transplantation, vascular access and immunization rates continue to be better than the nation’s average. We offer free classes for people at any stage of kidney disease, whether they are our patients or not, and we participate in a number of community outreach events each year. We’re dedicated to reaching at-risk people in our community, to let them know that simple lifestyle changes can slow or even stop kidney disease. Gifts also fund our employee scholarship program, which helps our staff acquire new skills and advance their careers.

Dietitian Renin Cassidy and dietetic intern Jannae Rice.

Groundbreaking research

In 2008 we formed a collaboration with UW Medicine to open the Kidney Research Institute, which is making big strides to find new, better ways to treat kidney disease. Today, more than 500 Northwest Kidney Centers patients have enrolled in the Kidney Research Institute’s patient registry, indicating their interest in being involved in an upcoming study. Learn more about our research and why it’s so important. If you’re a patient, see the opportunities you have to be involved in research.

Jane Pryor, Russ Stepp and Dr. Jonathan Himmelfarb look at the wearable artificial kidney.

Hear from our patients

See how your support helps change lives.

“Life hands you lemons. You make lemonade. I knew I needed to be tough to keep going.”

— Bonnie Martin, patient



→ Read Bonnie’s story

“Home hemodialysis is great – I have more freedom, free rein on what I do, when I want.”

— Jackie Brown, patient



→ Read Jackie’s story