In Memory of Larry Earl Davis
1955 - 2018
Larry Earl Davis
Sunrise: 5-22-1955 – Sunset: 8-26-2018
Larry was raised in West Seattle by his parents, Hiawatha and Emily Davis. He is survived by his wife, Mary Davis, daughter, Jordan, granddaughter, Mya Elliott, and son, Daniel Davis; siblings, Erma Jones, LaVera, Kenneth, Sandra, Hiawatha II, DeBorah and Kevin Davis; as well as adoptive children, Julie Ames, Tomas, Nate, Chaz, Ian, Kel, Daniel, and David Imoesiri; and a host of relatives.
Larry loved cooking, traveling, outdoor adventures, and a good party, just to name a few. He left people better than he found them and taught us all how to love unconditionally and to live compassionately and honestly. He showed us what it meant to sacrifice. He was the definition of a great man, father and human. Larry’s smile warmed our hearts.
Special thanks to all of Larry’s dialysis care team, and a special thank you to his palliative and hospice care providers. Miss you, love you—legends live forever!